CBFD release – The Coos County Car Seat Coalition will be offering free car seat inspections and education to parents and caregivers on February 9, 2019 from 10am to 12pm at the Coos Bay Fire Department located at 450 Elrod Ave. The coalition is made up of firefighters, police officers, ODOT employees, hospital staff and others. This highly trained group will help to ensure that your car seat is properly installed and appropriate for your child. The coalition does not have free car seats to provide to the public. You must bring your vehicle, child, and car seat to one of the clinics to ensure proper installation. In some cases, such as being able to provide proof of low income (WIC, OHP, EBT) you may qualify to purchase a car seat for $30.00 or a booster seat for $10.00. If you have questions about your car seat please plan on joining the coalition at the next car seat clinic at the Coos Bay Fire Department February 9, 2019 from 10am to 12pm.

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