The Coos Bay Planning Commission will meet on Tuesday, October 8, 2019 – 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 500 Central Ave., Coos Bay, Oregon. Agenda: 1. 6:00 PM – Call to Order; 2. Appointment of Parks Commission liaison; 3. Adoption of Minutes: March 12, 2019 and September 24, 2019. 4. Public Comments for matters not on the Agenda. 5. PUBLIC HEARING: To speak with the Commission, please fill out a sign-in slip provided at the speaker’s podium. Before speaking state your name and complete address for the public record. 3A: Coos Bay Municipal Code (CBMC) Title 17 Amendments. 187-19- 000051. City-wide Amendments. 17.370 – Vacation Rentals. 3B: Architectural Design Review Application #187-19-067 – 920 Newmark Avenue. The applicant is proposing two new wall mounted signs (4’ X 8’ and 4’ X 16’) one on the west elevation and one on the east elevation. No lighting is proposed. The property is in the “Empire Settlement” design review area. 3C: Conditional Use, Variance & Site Plan Review #187-18-065 – South Wasson Street (Lots 14-17, Block 33, First Addition to Empire) Map #25-13-20BB – TL9200 The applicant is proposing to construct nine (9), two-story apartments with three bedrooms in each living unit and attached garages and landscaping. 6. Commissioner Comments; 7. Staff comments; 8. Adjournment.