DEQ Release – In December 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approved Oregon’s 2012 Clean Water Act Section 303(d) List of impaired water bodies that need pollution reduction plans, called total maximum daily loads or TMDLs. DEQ uses the 303(d) list to determine requirements for water quality permits and total maximum daily loads. EPA added 285 water bodies to the list, removed 56 water bodies from the list, and reclassified 714 stream segments affected by ongoing litigation over temperature water quality standards. Water Bodies Added to EPA List in Coos Co.:  Adams Creek, 1241631435695, 0-5.39 Spawning, COOS Dissolved Oxygen; Catching Creek, 1241541430552, 4.6-11.1, Year round. COQUILLE, Biocriteria; Coos Bay, 1243397433543, 0-12.8 Year round, COOS, Arsenic; Coos Bay/Isthmus Slough, 1241999433841, 0-12.8, Year round COOS, Tissue – soft shell clam – arsenic; Coos bay/North Slough, 1242326434319, 0-3.3, Year round, COOS, Tissue – soft shell clam – arsenic; Coos Bay/South Slough, 1243210433542, 0-5.3, Year round, COOS, Tissue – soft shell clam – arsenic; Coquille Bay, 1244273431235, 0-4.2, Year round, COQUILLE, Arsenic; Coquille River, 1244273431235, 0-3.1, Year round., COQUILLE Tissue – soft shell clam – arsenic; Ferry Creek, 1244101431233, 0-3.6, Year round, COQUILLE, Dieldrin; Ferry Creek, 1244101431233 0-3.6, Year round , COQUILLE, Tissue – soft shell clam – arsenic; Hayes Creek, 1240584428733, 0 – 3.2, Year round, COQUILLE, Temperature; Joe Ney Slough, 1243226433328, 0-2.2, Year round, COOS, Arsenic; Johnson Creek, 1241294435535, 0-9.28, Year round, COOS, Dissolved Oxygen; Mill Creek, 1240651428755, 0 – 3.0, Year round, COQUILLE, Temperature; North Slough, 1242326434319, 0-2.4, Year round, COOS, Arsenic; North Tenmile, 1241456435885, 0-4.5, Year round, COOS, Fish tissue, Mercury; Rhoda Creek, 1241374430141, 0 – 3.2, Year round, COQUILLE, Temperature; South Tenmile Lake, 1241367435617, 0-3.4, Year round, COOS, Fish tissue, Mercury; Tenmile Creek, 1242320435616, 0-5, Summer. COOS, Chlorophyll a; Tenmile Creek, 1242320435616, 0-5, Spawning, COOS, Dissolved Oxygen; Tenmile Creek, 1242320435616, 0-5, Year round, COOS, Dissolved Oxygen; Unnamed Stream, 1236135445088, 0-1.7, Year round, COOS, Biocriteria; Woodward Creek, 1240778428983, 0 – 3.1, Year round, COQUILLE,  Temperature; Yellow Creek, 1240992429487, 0 – 4.1, Year round, COQUILLE, Temperature.