(Douglas County, Ore.) Douglas County Veteran Services Office is excited to announce that they now have a dedicated Veterans Outreach vehicle.  The 2018 Ford Explorer, was purchased utilizing state grant funds awarded to the Douglas County Veteran Services Office.  The grant dollars were specifically earmarked and can only be used to assist local Veterans Outreach programs.   The Veteran Services Office staff will utilize the vehicle to deliver and implement Veteran Programs to towns, community centers, senior centers and various locations throughout Douglas County. “Veteran Outreach is a critical component for our Veteran Services Office, and this vehicle will help us reach Douglas County residents who are often disconnected from veteran’s assistance programs, and be able to offer them services that can positively impact their lives,” Commissioner Tim Freeman said. Douglas County Commissioners unveiled the Veterans Outreach vehicle Wednesday morning outside the Douglas County Courthouse after the Weekly Business Meeting.  The unveiling just happens to coincide with National Flag week, as the stars and stripes clad Veterans Outreach vehicle pays homage to our American symbol of patriotism and pride.  Douglas County Public Works and Fleet Services worked with F X Designs to create an original piece of US Flag artwork to wrap the vehicle. “The whole idea of the vehicle is that we’re going to be able to roll out and provide better services to Veterans, at all times of the year, and reach all corners of our county, from the Reedsport to Diamond Lake, from Glendale to Drain and all the places in between,” Mary Newman-Keyes, Douglas County Veteran Services Officer said. “We are very excited to better reach our Veteran population with this Outreach Vehicle!