Oregonians with complaints about a pesticide incident can now file their concerns online with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, which has set up a new pesticide complaint intake feature on its website. ODA hopes online reporting of incidents will make it easier for citizens to provide important information to the agency and result in a more timely response. Upon receiving a pesticide complaint, ODA also refers it to the Pesticide Analytical and Response Center (PARC), which acts as a clearinghouse for all PARC agencies. Member agencies have specialized roles, expertise, and authority, working under a larger federal framework to ensure the safe use of pesticides. These agencies have collaboratively improved state coordination and communication when responding to concerns of pesticide impacts to people, animals, and the environment. Once a pesticide complaint is received– online, by email, or by phone– the complainant can expect to hear from ODA or a PARC member agency within one business day. PARC has also created a one-sheet document that can be converted into a poster, which provides a quick-guide of what to do and who to call in the event of a pesticide incident concern. It can be found at: <http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/programs/Pesticides/Pages/PARC.aspx>. The new online pesticide complaint reporting system can be found at <http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/programs/Pesticides/Pages/PesticideComplaints.aspx>. Individuals can also contact ODA’s Pesticides Program at (503) 986-4635.