ODFW release – On Friday, April 19, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission finalized the 2024 recreational Pacific halibut season and regulations. The information below is summarized in the 2024 Pacific Halibut Sport Regulations Map. Columbia River Subarea: All-Depth – Daily bag limit: 1 Pacific halibut; Quota = 18,112 pounds; Open every Thursday, Sunday, and Tuesday May 2-26 and every Thursday, Sunday, and Tuesday May 30 through June 30 or until the quota is caught. Closed on Tuesday, May 28. If quota remains, can be open starting August 1 through September 30 up to seven days per week. Nearshore: Daily bag limit: 1 Pacific halibut; Quota = 500 pounds; Open Mondays through Wednesdays inside the 40-fathom regulatory line off Oregon beginning May 6 through September 30 or until the quota is caught.