City of Coos Bay release – The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s State Revolving Fund awarded a loan to the city. These dollars are for projects that have a water quality (“green”) component. There is a vacant lot at the southwest corner of 3rd and Central Avenue in the downtown corridor. This lot will be turned into a public parking lot that will also serve as extra space for the Farmer’s Market and annual festivals. The parking lot will be constructed with pervious pavers that will capture 100% of the stormwater. The stormwater will infiltrate through the pavers and receive water quality treatment prior to being discharged into the bay. The City has contracted with Knife River Materials for the construction of this project. It is anticipated that they will break ground as early as July 17th with a construction schedule extending through December. Please pardon the dust while these improvements are occurring. Small delays may also occur. Working hours will be 7AM-6PM Monday through Friday. On Wednesdays, to minimize impacts to the Farmer’s Market, only light duty construction will occur. Should you have any questions or want more information, please contact Jennifer Wirsing at (541) 269-1181 ext. 3521 or email: Thank you.