Marine Board Informed on Programs, Discuss Improvements, May 1

The Oregon State Marine Board met on Wednesday, April 26, at the agency’s office in Salem. Several presentations were made on agency programs as well as a study conducted by an OSU Graduate Student on recreational paddling and aquatic invasive species. The Board approved the January meeting minutes, heard public testimony, and engaged with agency managers and Director Warren on contents in the Board Book. The Board was also given an update on the 2023 legislative session. A guest presentation was given by OSU Student, Alyssa Garcia, on recreational paddling and aquatic invasive species. She conducted a study of paddlers in 2022 on their understanding of the waterway access permit program, their knowledge of aquatic invasive species, and whether paddling participants understood how the revenue for the waterway access permit is used to help protect Oregon’s waterways. The study exposed areas where the agency can improve education and outreach, as well as consider using the funding to expand boat cleaning stations. She was able to identify a key demographic to aid with outreach. In the process of conducting her study, Garcia, who is also an artist, combined her creative talents to develop a digital Paddling flip book. The flip book will be available from the agency’s website and shared on social media soon to help educate paddlers about the need to clean, drain and dry their watercraft and to understand why, in Garcia’s words, “Taking care of the water helps us all take care of each other.” The Board heard presentations with program updates on the Waterway Access Program pertaining to education, outreach, and sales (via the Marine Board’s Boat Oregon store and ODFW’s eLicensing system). Revenue has gone directly toward developing access and on-water experiences via waterway access grants to eligible applicants. Numerous examples were given of how beneficial the program is and areas to improve. Additionally, the Board was informed about the Title and Registration Section’s progress with turn-around time for transactions, business process improvements, and future improvements coming to boaters. The board meeting materials are available online and the meeting video is viewable from our YouTube channel. The Marine Board will meet next in Newport on June 28 and distribute the agenda before the meeting date.