Public Encouraged to Comment on the Newly Updated ADA Transition Plan, May 8

ODOT release – SALEM — The Oregon Department of Transportation released its newly updated Americans with Disabilities Act Transition Plan for public comment. The ADA Transition Plan identifies physical obstacles that result in barriers to access and lays out a schedule for making improvements, so all users have access to the state transportation system and ODOT owned facilities. A fully inclusive transportation system is critical to fulfilling ODOT’s mission. ODOT’s Transition Plan was developed by listening to the experiences of people with disabilities, reviewing technical standards for accessible design, and following the priorities set by the Oregon Transportation Commission, federal requirements, and ODOT’s commitment to prioritize curb ramp and pedestrian signal accessibility under the agency’s settlement agreement with independent living advocates. These settlement requirements were reflected in the 2017 transition plan and are also included in this update. Recognizing that six years have passed since the last plan update, ODOT had updated its transition plan to reflect our progress with ADA implementation, to describe our broader goals for universal accessibility to the state transportation system, and to align with the agency’s Equity Priority in our Strategic Action Plan and new Oregon Transportation Plan. How to provide public comment: There are multiple opportunities for interested people to comment on ODOT’s updated ADA Transition Plan: Attend our online open house, open until June 2. Here you’ll find links to the plan document as well as additional background. We encourage you to participate in our nine-question survey at the end. Attend one of our live virtual public comment sessions, either Monday May 22 at 5:30 p.m. or Thursday, May 25 at 10 a.m. Send us an email at Request an alternative format of the plan under the Americans with Disabilities Act or for persons with Limited English Proficiency, or for assistance providing your comments, call 1-888-AskODOT or email Public comment will close on June 2. All comments will be included in the public record that goes to the Oregon Transportation Commission before they adopt the final ADA Transition Plan. To learn more about the update to the ADA Transition Plan please visit our website.