Additional Parking for Coos Bay, May 30

Coos Bay Mayor Joe Benetti release – The start of the Farmers Market and the flower baskets appearing downtown signals that we are well into the spring season of the year and that summer is just around the corner. This is about the time of year when street maintenance gears up and capital improvement projects kick off. Three of the larger projects for this year include the construction of two new parking lots and embarking on major upgrades to the downtown wastewater treatment plant. One of the new parking lots will be constructed at the vacant lot on S. Third Street and Central Avenue. The new lot will provide additional parking as well as event space during the Farmers Market and summer festival events. Engineering and permits were completed last year, and the project is currently out to bid. The other new parking lot will be on Front Street. Parking has been an issue for many years in the Front Street area and congestion has intensified with the ongoing revitalization of the area. The City began the process of creating a new parking lot several years ago when it purchased the former Marshfield Bargain House scrap yard. Obtaining the necessary environmental permits to mitigate the conditions of the 80-year-old scrap yard was a challenge to say the least. Last year, while navigating our way through the process, the old warehouse at the north end of the property was demolished. The long journey is coming to an end as we recently received the final approval to proceed to bid.