Storm Line Repair and Construction, June 22

City of Coos Bay release – Earlier this spring, while repairing a sanitary sewer, a storm line failure was observed by the City’s Water Quality Collection Crew. The sanitary sewer repair consisted of replacing 50 feet of compromised pipe and repairing a sink hole in the road. There was a temporary repair made to the storm line, but due to high ground water and heavy storm flows the final repair had to be completed in the summer months. The Water Quality Collection Crew spent last week repairing the line, which included replacing pipe, installing a new catch basin, reconnecting two citizen connections, and patching the road. This restoration will help the drainage in this area and improves the City’s infrastructure. The Water Quality Collection Crew has a few more projects lined up for this summer and already completed a several this spring as weather permitted. These small projects are essential to the City infrastructure and it is very helpful to have in-house staff to perform these repairs.