New Coos Bay Councilor, June 26

Coos Bay Mayor Joe Benetti release – Last week, the Council interviewed five citizens who applied to fill the vacated position on the City Council. This position was formerly held by Councilor Rob Miles before he and his wife moved to Springfield. The Council interviewed Troy Cribbins, Ryan Tuss, Roger Morgan, Michael Hicks, and Lee Ann Warner. I can’t begin to express how impressed I was with all the applicants. But at the end of the day, the Council could only choose one to fill the empty position. By a majority vote, the Council chose Troy Cribbins to be the next City Councilor. Councilor Cribbins’ took his place at the Council dais Tuesday night and term of office will continue until the next general election in November 2024. Councilor Cribbins has lived in Coos Bay for over 16 years. This is where he and his wife raised a family and where he started a small business. He is a Doctor of Physical Therapy as well as a practicing Physical Therapist. Currently, he is the Administrator of Pacific Home Health and Hospice and is also an elected member of the Bay Area Hospital Board of Directors. I want to extend a heartfelt welcome to Councilor Cribbins and my thanks to all those who applied to serve.