2nd Saturday Cleanup, Aug. 11

The Oregon Bay Area Beautification volunteers and the City of Coos Bay Parks Dept. have their sights set on the Coos Bay Boardwalk and Downtown area for their 2nd Saturday Cleanup, August 12. According to a release, volunteer check-in will be held at 9:30 a.m., 200 So. Bayshore, and the clean-up from 10 a.m. to noon. “Come join OBAB and the Coos Bay Parks Dept. as we help beautify the Boardwalk along Hwy. 101 N, along the railroad tracks, and downtown. Please come prepared with appropriate clothing and shoes for working in brush and mud/water. Bring work gloves, cutting tools for invasive briars/scotchbroon, trash grabbers if have them, sunscreen and water. Trash bags will be provided.” Future events are scheduled for: Sept. 9, Empire Blvd. & Boat Ramp; Oct. 14, Eastside Boat Ramp & Park; and, Nov. 11, Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery. More information at: oregonbayareabeautification@gmail.com