Coping with seasonal affective disorder, aka the “winter blues”, Dec. 25

OHA release – It’s the season for long, dark days. In Oregon, those days are longer and darker than many places in the United States. While some people find the extended darkness merely annoying, for others it can be a serious health threat. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a common type of mood disorder or depression characterized by its seasonal pattern. It affects millions of people in the U.S, usually beginning in the late fall and lasting into the spring or early summer, when the days begin to get “longer.” “It’s important to understand that SAD is a mental health condition that can cause severe suffering,” said Dr. Ruth Zúñiga, OHA senior health advisor and a licensed psychologist.” Some may want to die in order to end their pain, putting them at risk of suicide. They may talk about feeling hopeless or not having reasons to live, or they may seem withdrawn or show changes in their behavior. If you notice these symptoms in yourself or someone else, please seek help.”