Oregon Presidential Ballot, Jan. 17

Salem, OR — In keeping with past practice, Oregon Secretary of State LaVonne Griffin-Valade released a preliminary list of candidates to appear on the 2024 Democratic and Republican Primary ballots for Oregon’s May Primary election. “The 2024 Primary Election is just four months away,” said Secretary Griffin-Valade. “I want to remind Oregonians to check their voter registration information at Oregonvotes.gov. If you’ve moved, changed your name, or just want to make sure you’re registered, you can check your info in just a few minutes at Oregonvotes.gov.” The preliminary lists for the 2024 Democratic and Republican Primary ballots are as follows, in alphabetical order: Democratic Candidates: Joseph Biden, Dean Phillips, and Marianne Williamson. Republican Candidates: Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, and Donald Trump. ORS 249.078 (1)(a) states that a Secretary of State may place the name of a candidate on a major party Presidential primary ballot if the Secretary, in their “sole discretion, has determined that the candidate’s candidacy is generally advocated or is recognized in national news media.” To decide if candidates meet the statutory criteria, the Secretary is relying on national polls and including all candidates who have the support of a minimum of 1% of party voters. Candidates may also access the ballot by nominating petition as provided in ORS 249.078 (1)(b). The deadline to submit already verified signatures of nominating petition is March 14, 2024. The Secretary intends to review the list of candidates using then-current data and issue a final list after Oregon’s candidate filing deadline has passed and before providing the list to county clerks for inclusion on the primary ballot. Names will be removed from the list if a candidate suspends their campaign or otherwise publicly announces that they are no longer running for President in the 2024 election. Other changes to the list will be made at the direction of the courts, if necessary.