Tuna Canning Workshop, Aug. 8

The tuna boats are in, and it’s time to preserve the harvest. The Master Food Preservers of Coos County, volunteers with the Oregon State University Extension Service, will be holding a tuna canning workshop on Saturday, Aug. 9, at the Extension Office in Myrtle Point. This hands-on workshop provides newbie canners with all the information they need on how to properly prepare and preserve the catch. Experienced canners will also benefit as they ensure they are up-to-date on the proper methods and times required. Participants are encouraged to bring their canners for a full inspection, particularly those using dial gauges as it is recommended they be checked each year. Space is limited, so call now to sign up: 541-572-5263, ext. 240. The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and the cost is $15. Participants may wish to bring a sack lunch or snack. They will receive a jar of delicious canned tuna to take home.