City of North Bend release – City officials from five rural communities gathered on Thursday for an engaging discussion with state legislators representing the south Oregon Coast. Hosted at North Bend Lanes, the legislative roundtable facilitated an open dialogue between Senator David Brock Smith, Representative Boomer Wright and local government leaders from Coos Bay, Reedsport, North Bend, Coquille, and Canyonville. The informal setting allowed legislators and local officials to exchange insights on pressing issues impacting coastal towns. Topics ranged from housing and homelessness to mental health resources, the Elliott State Forest, and more. Legislators provided updates on priority legislation for the upcoming session, while city leaders shared on-the-ground perspectives on how policies directly affect their communities. “Events like this roundtable are invaluable for strengthening communication between state lawmakers and local governments,” said North Bend Mayor Jessica Engelke, who invited local leaders from throughout the region. “By listening firsthand to the challenges and opportunities facing Oregon’s coastal cities, our legislators gain critical knowledge to inform their work in Salem and better serve constituents.” The nonpartisan discussion enabled candid conversations about overcoming common obstacles. Participants agreed to continue the productive dialogue around south coast priorities. Special thanks to Mark Mattecheck and North Bend Lanes for graciously hosting.