Contractor selected for US 101 slide repair work in Lane County, Aug. 11

A contractor has been selected for a project that will construct slide and retaining walls along a 13.5-mile segment of US 101, north of Florence, in Lane County, between milepost 170 and 183.5. The US 101: Brays Point to Sutton Lake Road project addresses needed repairs to a slide area, a slope failure, and a retaining wall that is at the end of its useful life. The risk to the highway is significant if these areas are not repaired because this section of highway does not have a viable detour route if the roadway fails. Construction of the slide repair project is expected to begin in mid-September, with completion scheduled for January, 2015. Work will be conducted during daylight hours, Monday through Friday. During construction, motorists and bicyclists should anticipate single lane restrictions through the active construction zone, with flaggers controlling traffic in alternating directions. Bicyclists and motorists should plan for delays no longer than 20 minutes. Bicyclists should also expect to be in the highway travel lane within the construction zones. Wildish Standard Paving of Eugene was awarded the low-bid contract of $991,000 for this project. To learn more about the slide repair project, visit: This slide repair project is closely linked to major paving project to be constructed in 2015. To learn more about the US 101: Cooks Chasm to Sutton Creek project, visit: