Sanitary Sewer Overflow, Feb. 15

City of Coos Bay release – The city is currently upgrading the Sewer Pump Station east of the intersection of Southwest Boulevard and Montana Avenue. In order to construct the pump station, sewer flows must be bypassed around the pump station during construction. It was discovered that the bypass system had failed and approximately 14,000 gallons of sewer spilled. The flows were contained in the general area and did not enter the storm drain system or impact the slough. The cause for the overflow is still being investigated. Because the sewer was released at a location that was not permitted, the Department of Environmental Quality requires this event to be classified as a Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) and the Oregon Emergency Response System be notified. Any questions can be directed to the City of Coos Bay Public Works Department. The telephone number for the department is (541) 269-8918.