South Slough Reserve Customer Survey, July 3

South Slough Reserve’s customer survey is now open! We conduct this survey every two years to gather feedback on our customer service. The results help us better understand what we are doing well to support our visitors, program participants, and partners, and also how we can improve. The survey will take about five minutes to complete. You’ll be asked to rate South Slough’s performance in six service areas, and share ideas about how we might improve. At the end of the survey, you’ll also have the option of providing demographic information, to help us understand how we can better serve all our customers. Follow this link to take the survey: The survey will be open through Monday, July 15. Your answers are confidential and will not be associated with your name or email address. Data is compiled and reported as high-level summary results. See below for more information about how your feedback and the survey results will be used. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me or Ali Ryan Hansen at