Cabezon Harvest Underway, July 3

ODFW release – As of July 1, anglers are being allowed to retain the sub-bag limit of one cabezon per angler as part of the general marine bag limit of five fish. Cabezon are a very large sculpin that do not have a swim bladder, therefore they do not suffer from barotrauma in the same manner that rockfish do. A few years back, anglers supported starting the fishery in July instead of January in an effort to maintain some quota for summertime fishing. Additionally, since cabezon spawn and nest guard during the winter, opening in July provides them some protection during spawning and nesting. Reminders: Yelloweye rockfish and quillback rockfish remain prohibited. Use of a descending device to release rockfish is required when fishing deeper than 30 fathoms and recommended at any depth for fish that are not able to submerge on their own. For additional information please see our What Can I Keep one-pager and the ODFW Sport Bottomfish page.