Geology Lecture at Southwestern: Coastal Erosion & Flooding in Oregon—A Link to Changing Climate , Nov. 14

Southwestern Oregon Community College’s geology lecture series continues on Friday, November 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm with “Shoreline Erosion and Flood Hazards on the Oregon Coast Due to Earth’s Changing Climate” by Dr. Jonathan Allan (Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries-DOGAMI). This free lecture is at the Hales Center for the Performing Arts on the SWOCC campus and is open to all members of the community. Dr. Allan earned his BS, MS & PhD degrees from University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences at Oregon State University where he worked with Paul Komar. He is currently employed as a coastal geomorphologist in the Newport field office of the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI). He has presented at a number of international meetings with a focus on coastal issues and has been published in a variety of scientific journals including Shore and Beach, Journal of Coastal Research, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, Eos: Transactions of the American Geophysical Union and DOGAMI publications. Several local groups including Washed Ashore, Surfriders, South Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, Coos Watershed and Oregon Shores/Coast Watch will be in the lobby starting at 6:00 pm and after the talk. All of the talks in the series are free and start at 7:00 pm in the Hales Center for the Performing Arts on the SWOCC Campus in Coos Bay. For those not able to attend in person, all lectures are Livestreamed and archived, with access from the college website at Continuing sponsors of the lecture series include Oregon Resources Corporation, the SWOCC Foundation and the College. Additional talks scheduled in the series this year include: Dr. Patrick Fulton (UC Santa Cruz) on January 17, 2015 (special time: 2:00 pm) with the 10th annual Cascadia Anniversary earthquake talk; Dave Jewitt (UCLA) on March 7, 2015 with “Death from Space”; Dr. Joel Pederson (Utah State University) on Saturday, April 18, 2015 on “New Approaches for Dating Rock Art, Addressing a Hot Archaeological Debate with Cool Geology” and Dr. David Montgomery (UW) on May 16, 2015 with “The Rocks Don’t Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noah’s Flood”. For additional information contact Ron Metzger at 541-888-7216.