South Coast Jobs, Dec. 12

Coos County total payroll employment decreased slightly in the month of October. According to the Latest South Coast Labor Trends newsletter from the Oregon Employment Dept., Coos County was down by 20 jobs during the month. “The largest monthly losses occurred in leisure and hospitality (-120) and professional and business services (-90). Manufacturing employment slipped by 30 jobs over the month, with 20 those losses in wood products.” In Curry Co., “payroll employment decreased by 120 jobs in October. Seasonally expected declines totaling 110 jobs in leisure and hospitality accounted for much of the drop.” Over the year, total payroll employment in Curry Co. has slipped by 50 jobs. Over the past decade, total payroll employment fell by 2 percent in Coos Co. and was down by 4 percent in Curry Co.