Coos Bay City Council & URA, Dec. 16

Coos Bay City Council
The Coos Bay City Council will meet on Tuesday, December 16, 2014 – 7:00 p.m., Council Chambers – 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay, Oregon. 5:30 p.m. – City Council Interviews – Interviews of Applicants for the Budget Committee, Coos Bay-North Bend Water Board, Parks Commission, and Planning Commission will be held in the City Hall’s Conference Room. 7:00 p.m. – City Council Agenda: 1) Flag Salute; 2) Administration of the Oath of Office to Councilor Thomas Leahy; 3) Public Comments; 4) Consent Calendar; a) Approval of the minutes of December 2, 2014; b) Acceptance of the November Check Register; c) Acceptance of the November Combined Cash Report; d) Approval of the ODOT Seat Belt Enforcement Grant; e) Approval of an OLCC New Outlet application for Ma’s Garden Restaurant; 5) New Council Business; 6) Presentation of Appreciation Plaque for Brian Bowers, Bruce Harlan, Chris Hood, and Jennifer Stephens; 7) Appointments to Commissions and Boards: a. Budget Committee; b. Planning Commission; c. Parks Commission; d. Coos Bay/North Bend Water Board; 8) Consideration of Award of Contract for On-Call As Needed Plumbing Services; 9) Consideration of Award of Contract for On-Call As Needed Electrical Services; 10) Approval of After-the-Fact Emergency Sewer Repair Project at Michigan Avenue Between Empire Boulevard and South Marple Street; 11) Award of After-the-Fact Contract for City Hall Emergency Water Service Repair; 12) Approval of Expenditure of Surface Transportation Program (STP) Funds for Highway 1010 Fence / Sidewalk Project; 13) City Attorney’s Report; 14) City Manager’s Report; 15) Council Comments; 16) An Executive Session Will be Held Pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2) (d) for the Purpose of Discussing Labor Negotiations. 17) Adjourn.

The Coos Bay Urban Renewal Agency will meet on Tuesday, December 16, 2014. The meeting will be held immediately following the City Council Meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 500 Central Avenue – Coos Bay Oregon. Agenda: 1. Public Comments; 2. Consent Calendar; a. Approval of the minutes of December 2, 2014; b. Acceptance of the November Combined Cash Report; c. Approval of the Brownfields Redevelopment Fund Grant; 3. New Urban Renewal Business; 4. Approval of the Egyptian Theatre Sale Agreement; 5. Adjourn.