Zonta Offers $10,500 in Scholarships

The Zonta Club of the Coos Bay Area is currently accepting applications for eight local scholarships. Scholarship awards range from $1,000 to $1,500, including two scholarships that can lead to national recognition and a $4,000 maximum award. All applicants must meet the scholarship requirements and must be postmarked by March 1, 2015. Applications are available at all Coos County Libraries, at Southwestern Oregon Community College, in Coos County High School Guidance/Career Centers, and on line at www.zontacoosbay.org. The on-line application is provided in a format that is easy to complete. Zonta is an international service organization of executive and professional men and women working together to advance the status of women worldwide through service and advocacy. The Zonta Club of the Coos Bay Area has contributed funds and volunteer time to a variety of local projects such as the Little Red Schoolhouse school supply program, the Women’s Safety and Resource Center, Dressing Your Best, a program to help women re-entering the workforce, and many scholarship opportunities for young women. If you have any questions, please email Zonta Scholarship Chair Sue Karolyi at pook@uci.net or call 541-297-6378.