Small Business Program Offered, Jan. 9

The Southwestern Oregon Community College Small Business Development Center is offering a program for current business owners/managers that focuses on business success through learning Skills To Prosper. Business owners learn how to increase their efficiency and profits, enhance their marketing efforts to gain and retain customers, improve their record keeping and financial management systems, and deal with employee and personnel issues. Session 1 will cover strategic planning. Session 2 is all about managing business growth. Session 3 will introduce the concept of successful negotiations. Each of the ten sessions covers a different business topic, a chance for business owners to share concerns and solutions, a review of a current book and a guest speaker to provide insights into business concepts. All paid participants will receive the books: Getting to Yes, The E-Myth Revisited, Good to Great and Growing a Business. The Skills to Prosper Program’s unique format includes 10 group training sessions featuring business experts, supplemented by individual business advising and group networking. Business owners have the opportunity to share perspectives on business development that enhance their business savvy and improve their operations. The program begins Wednesday, January 14, 2015 at The Business Center, 2455 Maple Leaf, North Bend. Group sessions are held once a month from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. This program costs $600 for the year. Payment plans are available on request. Chamber of commerce members and tribal businesses that register and pay by January 10, 2015 will pay only $400. Trainers include subject matter experts, business owners and Small Business Development Center advisors. Enrollment is limited and those interested should contact the Southwestern Oregon Community College Small Business Development Center at 541-756-6866 or for additional information.