BLM Seeks Nominations to Coastal Oregon Resource Advisory Council, Feb. 5

The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is soliciting applications from the public for fifteen positions on the Coastal Oregon Resource Advisory Council (RAC). The RAC provides advice and recommendations to the BLM on the management of 400,000 acres of public lands along the Oregon Coast in the Coos Bay, Eugene and Salem Districts. The RAC consists of 15 members with an interest or expertise in public land management. The diverse membership of each RAC helps ensure that BLM land managers get the varying perspectives they need to achieve their mission, which is to manage the public lands for multiple uses. Based on the applications, the Secretary of Interior will appoint members to this new RAC to represent the following three groups: Category One – Five members who represent energy and mineral development; the commercial timber industry; organized labor or non-timber forest product harvest groups; developed outdoor recreation, off-highway vehicle users, or commercial recreation; or Federal grazing or other land permits or represent non-industrial private forest land owners. Category Two – Five members who represent nationally recognized environmental organizations; regionally or locally recognized environmental organizations; dispersed recreational activities; archaeological and historical interests; or nationally or regionally recognized wild horse and burro interest groups, wildlife or hunting organizations, or watershed associations. Category Three – Five members who hold state elected office; hold county or local elected office; represent Indian tribes within or adjacent to the area for which the Council is organized; are school officials or teachers with knowledge in natural resource management or the natural sciences; or represent the affected public-at-large and/or are employed by a state agency responsible for the management of natural resources, land or water. “RACs have been successful in bringing together diverse interest to collaboratively advise the BLM on important land management issues,” said Jerry Perez, BLM Oregon/Washington State Director. “Although these groups are advisory in nature, their contributions are of great value to the BLM and have aided in the development of balanced decisions that serve the interests of all public land users.” The deadline to apply is March 20, 2015. Submit completed applications to Megan Harper at or at one of the local BLM offices. For more information or to apply, visit