Suspicious Vehicle Near Madison Street School, Feb. 13

News release from CBPD. On 02-11-15, at the end of the school day, the Coos Bay Police Department received a call from Madison Elementary School of suspicious vehicle in the area. An eight year old student reported two males in a black pickup told her to get into their vehicle as she walked by. The girl ran back to the school for safety where she was assisted by parents and school staff. A parent observed the vehicle leaving the area of the school prior to police arrival. The only information available regarding this incident is the vehicle is possibly a late 1990’s Ford F-150 pickup that was occupied by two males. Anyone who may have any information regarding this incident is encouraged to contact the Coos Bay Police Department at 541-269-8911. The Coos Bay Police Department would like to remind parents it is a good time to educate their children on how to deal with incidents like this when they occur. Children should be reminded to be mindful of their surroundings when they are outside unsupervised. If children are confronted with a situation like this they should be encouraged to run away while yelling loudly to get the attention of anyone who might be in the area. They should immediately go find a trusted adult to report the situation. School officials plan to inform all staff members about the incident so they can be on the lookout for vehicles around the school that match the description. The Coos Bay Police Department plans to increase patrols in the area of the school near school dismissal.