Coquille Community Fund, Feb. 20

Representatives and supporters of 65 non-profit organizations gathered at the Mill Casino/Hotel in North Bend Thursday, Feb. 19, to receive grant monies allocated through the Coquille Tribal Community Fund. The organizations shared $408,000. The proceeds come from the Tribe’s casino profits. Since 2002, the Coquille Community Tribal Fund has granted over $5.1 million to 561 non-profit applications. The largest amount awarded this year was $20,000. Four organizations benefitted: Coquille Indian Tribe Culture & Ed Dept. for the “completion of the Miluk Dictionary”; Sawdust Theatre for “facility improvement”; SWOCC Foundation for “Equipment for the Forestry Program”; and, Bay Area Health District for “Kid’s Hope Center.” Two other organizations received $15,000 each, and six received grants of $10,000 each. The rest of the grants ranged from $1,200 to $7,500. The Coquille Tribe had its federal tribal status restored in 1989, and has 1,000 members in their five county service area. The Tribe is the second largest employer in Coos County.