SWOCC Music Department Ensembles Perform End-of-Term Concerts, March 11

The Music Department at Southwestern Oregon Community College is pleased to present its end of term concert series on March 11, 12, & 16, 2015 at the Hales Center for Performing Arts (PAC) on the SWOCC campus and Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, 1290 Thompson Road, Coos Bay. The concerts are open to the public and will begin at 7:00 PM on the 9th and 11th and at 2 PM on the 12th. On Wednesday, March 11 at 7:00 PM, come join us for an evening of Jazz music as the SWOCC Vocal Jazz Ensemble (The Southwesters), under the direction of Charlotte Pierce, perform a variety of tunes arranged for Swing Choir. The theme for this concert is Disney classics with the Ensemble performing a wide selection of music from Disney movies including Lion King and The Outcasts to name a few! Finally, the concert will conclude with SWOCC’s Jazz Ensemble under the direction of Professor Mike Turner. The Jazz Ensemble will perform a variety of Jazz classics along with a couple Jazz arrangements by Professor Turner. While the concert is free and open to the public, the music department will be accepting donations to help pay for our many department needs. On Thursday March 12, at 2:00 PM come join us for a free concert by “The High Street Band” from Idaho! The music department and the South Coast Clambake Jazz Festival are co-sponsoring their appearance on the PAC stage as part of the annual “Music in the Schools” program which is a part of Jazz Festival Week here in Coos Bay/North Bend. They are a Full 10 piece Show Band that wears colorful Zoot Suits and always puts on a good show. They have also toured all over the United States electrifying audiences with their high energy brand of music from the 40’s though the 90’s and beyond! While the concert is free and open to the public, the music department will be accepting donations to help pay for our many department needs. Finally on Monday March 16 at 7:00 PM, the SWOCC Symphonic Choir, under the direction of David Aakre, will perform at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Coos Bay. They will perform a variety of works from the traditional large choir repertoire. In addition to the choir, several other groups will perform with them. The concert is free and open to the public.