Improving Sales Skills Workshop at the Southwestern Small Business Development Center, March 19

Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Small Business Development Center (Southwestern SBDC) is offering a workshop entitled Improving Sales Skills on April 15, 2015 at The Business Center. Ever wonder how some business people can close sales without seeming to try? Sales skills are an important part of any successful business. Learn the tricks and techniques used by the best sales people including finding qualified leads and knowing when to close the sale. All participants will have an opportunity to practice making a strong sales pitch. Improving Sales Skills will be taught by Mark Mattecheck. Mark Mattecheck is the owner of North Bend Lanes, a local business established in 1957. Mr. Mattecheck has a BS in Marketing from the University of Portland. He has over 30 years’ experience in sales and marketing for diverse businesses nationwide. He moved back to Oregon in 1994 to run his family’s business. With his energetic style and sense of humor, he brings entertainment as well as knowledge to his workshops. A fee of $45 per person will be charged. Support from the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce allows chamber members to receive a discounted price. Seating is limited. Preregistration at is required to insure seating availability and materials. The workshop will be held in North Bend at The Business Center, 2455 Maple Leaf from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm on Wednesday, April 15, 2015. Curry County businesses can attend at the Brookings Southwestern Oregon Community College campus via interactive video conferencing. Contact the Southwestern SBDC at 541-756-6866 or email Mary Loiselle at for more information.