Learning and Understanding Financial Statements Workshop at the SBDC, March 30

Southwestern Oregon Community College’s Small Business Development Center (Southwestern SBDC) is offering a Learning and Understanding Financial Statements workshop April 28, 2015 at The Business Center. Businesses measure their success by the financial statements prepared in their business. These statements are used to create an annual tax return, make decisions about business growth and give the business owner an idea of how successful the business is. This workshop will cover analysis of financial information within a business and how to use that information to improve on past business performance. Topics to be covered include analyzing a balance sheet, reviewing business profit and loss statements, understanding the cash flow statement and ratio analysis. If you want to operate a business by the numbers this is a great place to learn what business financial statements are saying about the success of the venture. Managing Cash Flow will be taught by Chris Christoffer. Mr. Christoffer retired from Sterling Bank after 43 years in commercial banking. As a commercial lender, he has a thorough knowledge of small business financial and cash flow management. He is a strong advocate for small business. A fee of $45 per person will be charged. Support from the Bay Area Chamber of Commerce allows chamber members to receive a discounted price. Seating is limited. Preregistration at www.BizCenter.org is required to insure seating availability and materials. The workshop will be held in North Bend at The Business Center, 2455 Maple Leaf from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm on Tuesday, April 28, 2015. Curry County businesses can attend at the Brookings Southwestern Oregon Community College campus via interactive video conferencing. Contact the Southwestern SBDC at 541-756-6866 or email Mary Loiselle at mloiselle@socc.edu for more information.