Residential Mosquito Control, April 3

Warm spring weather combined with a little rain can bring biting mosquitoes to your yard. Taking a few minutes to remove mosquito breeding habitat around your property can reduce your risk of mosquitoes spoiling your barbeque. Mosquitoes are a nuisance and are known to spread disease. After a rain take a few minutes and inspect your yard and dump out water from any containers such as buckets, flowerpots and old tires where mosquitoes may breed. Don’t forget to check for clogged rain gutters or tarps over wood piles that can hold water. Stocking ornamental ponds and watering troughs with fish may help keep mosquitoes at bay. Clean outside pet dishes and bird baths weekly. Remember anything that holds water for 7 days can produce biting mosquitoes. For personal protection from mosquito bites: • Wear protective clothing (long pants & long sleeves) and apply insect repellant when outside. • Make sure that doors and windows for your home have tight fitting screens in good repair. • Apply insect repellent to exposed skin. The more DEET a repellent contains the longer time it can protect you from mosquito bites. Repellents may irritate the eyes and mouth, so avoid applying repellents onto the hands of children. Be sure to read and follow directions for use found on the container of the repellant. • Avoid outside activity at dawn and dusk during the mosquito season. Go to to learn more about protection from mosquitoes.