Oregon Heritage Conference Coming to South Coast, April 6

For the first time in nine years, the Oregon Heritage Conference will take place on the South Coast with programs and activities that highlight the region’s cultural heritage resources. “Chart Your Course” is the conference theme to shows that participants will find the information and ideas to make their organizations ship-shape and ready to sail for new cultural heritage horizons. Conference dates are April 22-24 in North Bend and Coos Bay. Registration is underway. The Oregon Heritage Conference brings together people who love and work with Oregon’s heritage. Designed to be interdisciplinary, the conference focuses on all sectors of cultural heritage, such as historic preservation, museums, archives, libraries, historic cemeteries, and local and state government. The Heritage Conference offers workshops, tours, breakout sessions and an exhibit hall that are equal parts innovation and practical advice. Some of the topics include the National Register of Historic Places, disaster preparedness, underwater heritage, archive digitization, spawning community approaches to heritage, storytelling and more. While most conference sessions will take place at the conference hotel, The Mill Casino and Hotel, there will also be events and activities at the new Coos Historical Museum and Maritime Center, the Egyptian Theatre, the Marshfield Cemetery, and other places. The conference includes the Oregon Heritage Excellence Awards Dinner where eight projects, organizations and individuals will be honored for exemplary work. The conference is organized by Oregon Heritage, a division of the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The Coquille Indian Tribe is co-sponsor. Additional conference and registration information is available at http://www.oregon.gov/oprd/HCD/OHC/Pages/conference.aspx