Climate of Gold Beach lecture offered at Southwestern, April 14

Are you enjoying the Mediterranean climate of Gold Beach? If so, you should be aware that there are a variety of Mediterranean-type climates across the world. In comparison to Monte Carlo, Gold Beach would be a cooler, windier, and wetter cousin. If Gold Beach had a climate Sister City it would more likely be Valdivia, Chile. To learn more about the climate of Gold Beach, Southwestern Oregon Community College invites you to attend a lecture given by National Weather Service meteorologist Ryan Sandler. This presentation will explore the climate of Gold Beach by comparing it to similar climate regions around the world. We’ll also discuss if climate changes have already occurred in Gold Beach, and what the climate future might look like for the local area. The public is welcome to attend this free one-hour presentation which will be followed by a question and answer period. The Climate of Gold Beach lecture will take place at Southwestern’s Gold Beach Center from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm, Tuesday, April 14, 2015. For more information please contact the Gold Beach Center at 541-247-2741 or Space is limited so please call to reserve a seat.