Home Safety Class Offered by CBFD, April 21

The Coos Bay Fire Department is presenting a free class on how to inspect your home for fire hazards and offering other safety tips. The training will be presented at the Coos Bay Fire Department located at 450 Elrod Avenue, Coos Bay on Tuesday, April 21, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Some of the discussions in class will include common causes of home fires, electrical safety, smoke alarm placement, safe keeping of poisons, medications, and dangerous items, and development of an exit drill. This class is intended to be interactive discussion for homeowners or renters. This is a free class open to anyone interested in reducing the risk of becoming the victim of a fire or home emergency. If you would like to attend the Home Safety Class, please contact the Coos Bay Fire Department at 541-269-1191. Preregistration is appreciated, but not required for attendance.