Oregon Art Projects Receive NEA Awards, May 7

Through its grant-making to thousands of nonprofits each year, the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) promotes opportunities for people in communities across America to experience the arts and exercise their creativity. In the second major grant announcement of fiscal year 2015, the NEA will make 13 awards to Eugene and Portland area nonprofit art and design organizations totaling $1,059,700. This includes $739,700 awarded through a state partnership agreement with the Oregon Arts Commission for programs that benefit state residents. The state partnership agreements allow the NEA to extend its reach to every community in America; translating national leadership into local, state and regional benefit. The NEA will make 1,023 awards totaling $74.3 million nationwide in this funding round. Oregon arts groups receiving spring 2015 NEA grants are: Eugene Ballet (Dance) $20,000 Eugene; Joint Forces Dance Company (aka DanceAbility International) (Dance) $10,000 Eugene; Lane Arts Council (Arts Agency) $25,000 Eugene; Oregon Folklife Network/University of Oregon (Folk & Traditional Arts) $30,000 Eugene; Caldera/Camp Caldera (Arts Education) $60,000 Portland; Literary Arts (Literature) $10,000 Portland; Museum of Contemporary Crafts (Design) $40,000 Portland; Portland State University (Design) $25,000 Portland; Regional Arts & Culture Council (Arts Education) $30,000 Portland; Western Arts Alliance (Presenting & Multidisciplinary Works) $20,000 Portland; Wisdom of the Elders (Media Arts) $30,000 Portland; Wisdom of the Elders (Folk & Traditional Arts) $20,000 Portland.