Unemployment Rate, June 9

Coos County’s unemployment rate for April 2015 was 7.0% according to the latest South Coast Labor Trends monthly newsletter from the Oregon Employment Dept. The jobless rate in March was 7.3%, and a year ago, the rate in April was 9.1%. Curry County’s rate in April was 7.9%, down from the 8.2% the prior month, and less than the double-digit 10.8% from a year ago. Oregon’s unemployment rate in April was 5.2%, and the nation overall was 5.4%. Coos County’s payroll employment rose by 110 jobs in April. Over the year, Coos County has gained 100 payroll jobs for a gain of 0.4%. In Curry County, total payroll employment jumped by 100 jobs over the month. Since April 2014, Curry County has added 140 payroll jobs.