Committee for Family Forestlands, June 26

Family forestland owners wanting to learn about a developing strategic initiative to help them can join the committee and Private Forests Division Chief Peter Daugherty Friday afternoon as they discuss the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats family forest owners face. The Committee for Family Forestlands will meet from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Friday, June 26 at the Oregon Department of Forestry, Santiam Room Building D, 2600 State Street, Salem. Agenda: Daugherty will provide legislative and streamside shade buffer, also known as riparian rulemaking analysis, updates. Jennifer Weikel, an agency biologist, will present information about the bald eagles’ comeback and how it may impact forested lands. Before noon the committee will hear about taxes and large woody debris, which helps create healthy fish habitat. Tammy Cushing, Oregon State University’s Starker Chair of Private and Family Forestry, will discuss taxes and forestry information affecting family forest owners. The Committee welcomes public input at its meetings.