The Top 5 Reasons to Shop at the Farmers Market, June 26

News release from Coos Health & Wellness. It is an exciting time of the year, more sun, more daylight and more opportunities to eat fresh fruits and veggies! At WIC we get excited about farmers market season and we wanted to share with you some of the top reasons to shop at our local farmers markets. 1. Freshly picked, nutritious fruits and vegetables that are picked at the peak of flavor. Most people know that eating your fruits and vegetables is important. It is a key part of a healthy diet and may reduce your family’s risk of many diseases. A large amount of food found in grocery stores is highly processed and some of it is irradiated, waxed, or gassed in transit. These types of food practices may have negative effects on our health. In contrast, most food found at the farmers market is minimally processed, and many farmers prioritize growing the most nutritious produce possible by using sustainable techniques and picking produce right before the market. 2. Support your local farmers and economy. When you shop at a local farmers market you are directly supporting family farmers and the local economy. With such large agribusiness, small family farms have a hard time competing in the marketplace. Buying directly from farmers gives them a better return for their produce, and they in return spend the money in our community. 3. It’s a great way to teach your kids and get them involved in making healthy choices. Kids love getting to have a say in the foods they eat and are more likely to try something if they pick it out. The farmers market is a fun, interactive place to take kids and let them choose some healthy foods to take home. Children learn by watching grown-ups or older kids eat fruits and vegetables. So be their model of healthy eating, sit down and eat together, it really helps! 4. Enjoy the season! In Oregon we know that rain is always just around the corner, so take advantage of these beautiful longer days and enjoy the sunshine (and vitamin D). Even if it is raining or cloudy the farmers market is a great opportunity to get out and connect with your community and with food that is fresh and in season. 5. Protect the environment. Most food in the U.S. travels an average of 1,500 miles from the farm to your plate. This uses large amounts of natural resources such as fossil fuels, contributes to pollution and creates trash with extra packaging. The foods that you purchase at the farmers market travel shorter distances and are generally grown using more sustainable farming methods that minimize the impact on the earth. When you go to the farmers market, bring along your reusable grocery bags to carry the colorful produce that you and your family pick out. These are just a few of the many great reasons to shop at our local farmers market. At WIC this is also our one time of the year that we get to offer the Farm Direct Nutrition Program which provides additional vouchers to WIC eligible families for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables at the farmers market. Each eligible WIC participant receives $20 in vouchers to use at the farmers market from June to October. These vouchers are limited in number and they are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Participating farmers are paid the face value of the Farm Direct vouchers. The Farm Direct Nutrition Program brought $479,261 into the hands of 699 local farmers in Oregon in 2014. Keeping local farmers in business is important to our communities as well as our health. We have some great local farmers’ markets that are accepting WIC vouchers such as the Coos Bay Wednesday market, Coquille Valley farmers’ market, Cricket Creek Farm and Misty Meadows in Bandon and also the John Shank Farm in Coos Bay. WIC not only provides supplemental foods like fruits and vegetables, but we also provide counseling to improve health through good nutrition, information on breastfeeding and how to feed your child, and referrals to other services. We are always accepting new families, so give us a call us at 541-751-2401 or stop by at 1975 McPherson Ave in North Bend. We hope to see you at the farmers market! The Downtown Coos Bay Farmer’s Market is held every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Central Ave. between S. Broadway and 4th St.