Bay Area Enterprise Zone Committee, June 29

The Bay Area Enterprise Zone Committee Community Enhancement Plan Work Group will meet at 1:00 p.m., Monday, June 29, 2015, Coos Bay City Hall, Council Chambers, 500 Central Ave, Coos Bay. Meeting Agenda: 1. Call to Order; 2. Approve minutes from 5/14/15 meeting (Unapproved minutes are available for review at; 3. Review Version #10 of Enterprise Zone Agreement; 4. Review engagement letter from Hough MacAdam Wartnik Fisher & Gorman; 5. Review white paper; 6. Discuss format of Open House Meetings. Tentative Schedule of Meetings: Thursday, July 9th, 6pm-8pm, Blossom Gulch Elementary, Coos Bay; Friday, July 10th, 11am-1pm, the Barn, Bandon; Saturday, July 11th, 10am-noon, Oaks Pavilion, County Fairgrounds, Myrtle Point; 7. Next Steps; 8. Public Comments.