Corps calls shutterbugs to share photos promoting life jacket wear, offers prizes, July 13

This summer the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, is promoting life jacket use with WEAR IT to Win It, a photo contest campaign on Facebook and Twitter. Between July 4 and Labor Day weekend, the Corps is offering prizes to those who submit photos of themselves or their friends and family wearing a life jacket. Visitors to Corps waters are encouraged to post to the Portland District Facebook page at or tweet them using the Portland District Twitter handle @PortlandCorps and the hashtag #WEARIT. Every Monday, the Portland District will select a photo that was posted during the previous calendar week and award a prize. Photos will be judged based on subject matter, focus, creativity and overall emphasis on water safety. Winners will receive one free night of camping or a one-time use of a large group picnic shelter along with a U.S. Coast Guard-approved Type IV boat throw cushion and a distress whistle, courtesy of Discover Your Northwest. Winners will be announced and notified via the social net-working site on which they submitted their photo. “Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have become primary sources of public information, so we are excited to launch this campaign and see the fun ways visitors recreate safely on Corps managed waters,” said Melissa Rinehart, Natural Resources Manager for Portland District. “We want people to get creative and have fun – all while sharing a very important water safety message to always wear your life jacket when you are in, on, or near the water.” See complete details about WEAR IT to Win It at: