Coos Bay Tree Board, Jan. 9

The Coos Bay Tree Board will meet on Thursday, January 9, 2014, 4:00 PM, City Hall Manager’s Conference Room. Agenda: Call to Order – Roll Call – Approval of minutes for Corrected April 4 and December 5. Unfinished Business: • 603 N 11th – Jeffery Reese – Have the Maple designated as a heritage tree. • 1165 Ferguson – Ralph Mohr – Determine if the tree needs to come out but if not, Mr. Mohr would like the Maple designated as a heritage tree. New Business: Request for Removal: • 1030 N 10th Court – Richard and Wendy Rudder – Tree(s) removal in ROW. Trees are Bull Pine and are not in good shape. One has a large scar where a branch broke and others appear prone to breaking. Property owner would also like to use a ROW permit for development. Staff recommendation is to remove trees in the city-owned ROW as a safety concern. • Ocean Boulevard Waterline Improvements – The Dyer Partnership. Trees are in direct conflict with a new waterline alignment. Discussion: 290 N 3rd Ct- Scott Tarhar – 3 Pine Trees. Patrick Myers has requested on behalf of the property owner as trees have loose branches that land on carport as well shedding needles that clog gutters. Jon has completed a site inspection. 2 large Monterey pines and 1 Shore pine. Trees subject to shedding branches creating a safety hazard to people. see municipal code 8.10.060 – Trees. Board Member Comments. Meeting will adjourn at 5:00 p.m. Public comments limited to 10 minutes.