CB Parks Commission, Aug. 20

City of Coos Bay Parks Commission will meet on Thursday, August 20, 2015, Noon to 1pm, City Hall Conference Room, 500 Central Avenue. Agenda: 1. Call to Order – Roll Call – Approval of the July 16th Minutes; 2. Citizen Input / Public Comment; 3. Guest Speaker: Chris Beebe, avid cyclist. Making Coos Bay cyclist friendly; 4. New Business – • Cricket Soules was recognized with the Mayor’s Appreciation Award at the City Council meeting on July 7th. This award is to formally recognize citizens for extraordinary contributions to the community. Mayor Shoji expressed her desire to recognize and thank Cricket for her advocacy and tireless energy to restore and preserve the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery for the betterment of the community. • Bicycle Transportation Plan; • Choshi Garden Vandalism; 5. Old Business; • Develop a “Boardwalk/City Docks Master Plan Committee”; • Update – Money collected towards Fitness Equipment for Topits Park. The finance department as provided a line item to receipt monies raised by Don Hynes. The account has almost $1,000 included is Mr. Hynes’ initial $600 donation.