City of Coos Bay Brush Cleanup, Aug. 26

1. Brush to be placed by curb prior to September 1, 2015. 2. Brush must be in 1 pile and no more than 5 feet in length. 3. Brush to be placed next to curb, free from any overhead obstacles, fire hydrants and/or other obstructions. 4. 1 pile per address, NO group piles. 5. Brush must not exceed 5 cubic yards. More than 5 yards can be taken, but prior arrangements must be made. 6. No grass clippings, sod, dirt, loose leaves, plastic bags, bailing twine or other materials, which are not appropriate for grinding. $8.75 per cubic yard additional during brush pickup. $10.50 per cubic yard plus trip fee for pickup after scheduled brush pickup is finished. Coos Bay Municipal Code 8.10.060 states: 1. No owner or person in charge of property that abuts on a street or public sidewalk shall permit trees or bushes on the property to interfere with street or sidewalk traffic. An owner or person in charge of property that abuts on a street or public sidewalk shall keep all trees and bushes on the premises, including the adjoining parking strip, trimmed so that any overhanging portions are at least eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and at least fourteen (14) feet above the roadway. 2. No owner or person in charge of property shall allow a dead or decaying tree to stand if it is a hazard to the public or to persons or property on or near the property. For More Information Call: Les’ Sanitary at (541) 267-2848 or Coos Bay Sanitary at (541) 267-6675.