Elliott State Forest Meeting, Sept. 17

“Kick-off” meeting to provide information about ownership transfer. The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) has scheduled the first of several meetings on the next steps and timeline for parties interested in participating in the ownership of Common School lands within the Elliott State Forest near Coos Bay. The meeting will be held: Thursday, Sept. 17; 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 Noon; Department of Veterans’ Affairs Auditorium; 700 Summer St. NE, Salem. Anyone interested in participating by conference call should contact DSL. The State Land Board on Aug. 13 approved a resolution that directs the Department of State Lands to begin implementing a protocol to transfer ownership of the Elliott’s Common School lands out of Common School Fund ownership. The transfer protocol includes the following requirements that any plan for acquisition must contain to be considered: * Compensating the Common School Fund for the fair market value of the forest. * Transfer of the entire property in one transaction. * Enforceable mechanisms for protecting enhanced public benefits such as recreational access; older forest stands and riparian management areas for species habitat; and local economic benefits from the forest. Approximately 84,000 acres of the 92,000-acre Elliott State Forest are Common School Trust lands overseen by the Land Board to fund K-12 public schools in Oregon. Revenue from timber management of these lands is deposited in the Common School Fund. In recent years, policies adopted to assure compliance with the Endangered Species Act have resulted in the forest producing a net deficit to the fund of about $5 million since 2013. Losses are projected to continue into the future. The Sept. 17 meeting is not mandatory for those interested in ownership of the forest. However, it will provide detailed information and time for questions. Other important dates in 2015 include: Oct. 20: additional question and answer meeting; Oct. 27: deadline to submit written questions about the protocol; Dec. 15: deadline to submit expressions of interest. Additional information is available on the DSL website: www.oregonstatelands.us