Major US 101 paving project to work nights and weekends north of Florence, Sept. 18

A two-year paving and curve widening project on US 101, north of Florence, will be working nights and weekends to meet an October 31 contract deadline. The paving will take place between mileposts 179 and 184, north of Florence. Travelers should expect a single lane of travel through the construction zone, with delays no longer than 20 minutes. Travel will be controlled by flaggers or a pilot car. This is the southern segment of a longer project that will be completed by August, 2016. The US 101: Cook’s Chasm to Sutton Creek project, which covers a 17 mile segment of US 101 in Lane County (MP 167-184), will replace failing pavement and construct safety improvements that will benefit bicyclists, pedestrians and motorists. Several curves have been identified as needing safety enhancements to reduce large vehicle off- tracking outside of the travel lane. The curves will be widened to enhance safety for motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists. Center line rumble strips will be installed throughout the project to reduce the chance of cross over accidents. Center line rumble strips have proven effective in reducing cross over crashes.