Public Fire Restrictions Eased, Oct. 13

Due to cooler conditions and recent rainfall, the Coos Forest Protective Association is easing the hours of restrictions on public activities in the forests. Changes will be effective at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, October 12th on all private, county, state and BLM lands in Coos, Curry, and western Douglas counties. Other restrictions, such as no debris burning or incinerators, are still in place. The following is a complete list of restrictions within the Regulated Use Closure: 1. Smoking is prohibited while traveling, except within enclosed vehicles or at designated locations. 2. Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires and warming fires, except at designated areas. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed. 3. Power saw use is permitted. Each saw must have one axe or pulaski, one shovel and one operational fire extinguisher that is of at least 8 ounce capacity. Power saws must be equipped with a spark arrestor. In addition, a fire watch is required for at least one hour following the use of each saw. 4. Motor vehicles, other than all-terrain vehicles and motorcycles, must be equipped with one gallon of water or one operational 2 ½ pound or larger fire extinguisher, one axe or pulaski, and one shovel, except when traveling on state highways, county roads and maintained driveways. 5. All-terrain vehicles and motorcycles must be equipped with one operational 2 ½ pound or larger fire extinguisher and an approved spark arrestor, except when traveling on state highways, county roads and maintained driveways. 6. Use of fireworks is prohibited. 7. Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is permitted at all hours, if conducted in a cleared area and if a water supply is present. 8. Mowing of dry, cured grass with power driven equipment is prohibited between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., except for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops. 9. Any electric fence controller in use shall be: 1) Listed by a nationally recognized testing laboratory or be certified by the Department of Consumer and Business Services; and 2) Operated in compliance with manufacturer’s instructions. Under Oregon law, the following are prohibited during fire season: 1. Sky Lanterns; 2. Exploding Targets; 3. Tracer Ammunition or any bullet with a pyrotechnic charge in its base. The weather forecast for the coming week is for warm and dry conditions. We appreciate the public’s continued cooperation. To stay current on wildland restrictions for the public and industry, call CFPA’s closure information line at (541) 267-1789 or visit its web site at