Armchair Film, Dec. 7

The “Armchair Film Adventure” series at Coos Bay Public Library continues on Tuesday, December 8th at 2:00 p.m. in the Myrtlewood Meeting Room. LOURDES, part of Bruce Feiler’s Sacred Journeys series is this month’s feature. Lourdes, the Catholic shrine, is beloved by believers who come to drink and bathe in the healing waters of a spring. Five million pilgrims arrive each year to pray to Bernadette, the young peasant girl who was visited by the Virgin Mary in 1858. Feiler joins a band of active duty and retired soldiers who were wounded in Afghanistan, Iraq, and other American wars. One young man has lost both legs, another’s face is badly damaged, and a third has lost his sight. All of these soldiers suffer from PTSD which has left them sleep-deprived, depressed, and unable to relate to family and friends. These wounded warriors are joined later in the week by 30,000 other military from 35 different nations on an International Military Pilgrimage that has been going on since World War II. For many of the American soldiers the pilgrimage to Lourdes proves to be healing not in terms of a cure for their wounds but as a cathartic bonding with other soldiers from around the world. The miracle of improvised community is accentuated and celebrated by Feiler. Everyone is welcome at this program sponsored by The Friends of Coos Bay Public Library. No admission is charged and refreshments will be served. Please call 269-1101 for further information about this program.