Jobs in Coos Co. Bouncing Back, Feb. 10

Coos County has recovered about 40-percent of jobs lost during the recession years between 2007 to 2009, according to a report in the February 2016 Oregon State Employment Dept.’s South Coast Labor Trends newsletter. The report goes on to state that Coos Co. “is still about 1,600 jobs below the pre-recession peak employment numbers.” Curry Co. hasn’t bounced back as fast. “Curry County has only added back about one of 10 jobs lost.” Coos Co. has added jobs in three of the past five years. The fastest growing industries in 2015 were Indian Tribal government and construction, “both adding about 50 jobs.” The job trend also looks positive for 2016. “Although nothing in the future is certain, seeing many sectors adding jobs in 2015 shows a broad-based recovery. This diversified expansion bodes well to insulate the county from the next soft-patch or downturn in the economy.”